NSP042 – COVID-19 was just a story

The COVID-19 pandemic majorly affected the entire world.

But now that the data is in, and the pandemic is seemingly in it’s final phase; with the benefit of hindsight, does our global response seem proportionate? Have those of us who had doubts and questions in the midst of an purported global apocalypse been vindicated in the long term?

And do we even care anymore? Pandemic fatigue is real!

But I guess we care just enough to have one last look at it!

Episode Links

Kary Mullis on the PCR test:

CDC changes the definition of “Vaccine” mid-pandemic:

Mattias Desmet: How Covid Happened (mass formation psychosis):

Bret Weinstein: I will be vindicated over Covid:

Comparing COVID-19 with previous pandemics:

Oops, I said Moderna — it was AstraZenica:

A timeline of the great reset agenda:

8 predictions for the world in 2030 – the Great Reset video:

NSP041 – Stories we tell to control one another

Quarantine shaming and mask shaming are new concepts that have risen out of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, but cancel culture in general was shaming people before it was cool.

These social pressures have rapidly become issues we have to deal with every day, especially those of us who entertain alternative views. But it wasn’t always this way.

Harv sits down (virtually) with film-maker, musician and podcaster Keith “Legion” Snyder to talk about his take on this new cultural phenomenon as a self-proclaimed but non-conforming millennial.

Check out Keith’s film production company Ironark Films: https://www.youtube.com/user/ironarkfilms
And if you enjoy their stuff, go like their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/ironarkfilms

Episode Links

Intro clip from Prison Break Season 4 Episode 12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmgEBR7n6Jk

NSP040 – A Few Final Stories from the Apocalypse

Harv talks about a few positive stories from the COVID-19 lock-down in the final episode of Narratively Speaking, at least for a little while.

Episode Links

Naomi Klein – Coronavirus Capitalism

Jeff Bezos – Selling Stock Before the COVID-19 Collapse

Glamour – All the Celebrities that have Tested Positive

Nature – Engineered Bar Virus Stirs Debate (2015)

Celebrities Sing “Imagine” (Original)

Celebrities Sing “Imagine” (Popcorn Lobotomy parody)

EW: The Weirdest Celebrity Quarantine Videos

Fanatics: Celebrity All-In Challenge

Bill Gates TED Interview: Official TED video

Bill Gates TED Interview: Deleted clip on Digital Vaccine Certificates

Oprah Magazine: Kitty O’Meara Interview “And the People Stayed Home”

NSP039 – Stories that Create Panic

There has been a string of news stories lately that may give one the impression the world is falling apart. But is it the world, or just the narratives unravelling?

Harv examines some of the strangeness going on in the world recently and tries to make sense of it all.

Shall we get confused together?

Episode Links

Event 201 – A Coronavirus Simulation Exercise:

Bill Gates TED Talk – Innovating to Zero (COPSEC)

How the deadly epidemic sparked a global emergency – Four Corners:

A link to the Wuhan Institute of Virology on Google Maps:

The Kissinger Report:

Commentary on The Kissinger Report:

Maltheus Debunked:

Microsoft Teams the answer to Coronavirus:

The 5G / Coronavirus conspiracy:

NSP035 – Stories we’re told about the Music Industry

You hear all sorts of stories regarding the shady dealings of the music industry — not least of all the idea that artist must “sell their soul” for success.

But what does this actually mean? Is it just a metaphor for giving up creative freedom, or are there more nefarious responsibilities associated with a record contract.

Let’s discuss…

Episode Links:

Intro Clip:

Rythm and Flow S01E07:

Michael Jackson on Tommy Mottola:

How The Music Industry Works:

The Music Industry And The Mafia:

Tommy James: The Mafia Used to Run the Music Industry:

Britney Spears’ Conservatorship and Mental Health:

The Truth About Selling Your Soul:

Nicki Minaj – Super Bass:

Billie Eilish – bury a friend:

NSP031 – Selfishness, Fairness & the Jeffrey Epstein Story

Facebook group member Anja Bache-Wiig Solberg asks: What about “fairness”? It’s a great question, and one Harv addresses with keen interest in this week’s episode.

Indeed, with the Jeffrey Epstein suicide (or was he #suicided), the question of “fairness” and “justice” have been on everybody’s mind.

Will this turn of events silence the alternative media, or unite their voices in revolution? It appears to be a dangerous gamble for the powerful.

Let’s discuss…

Episode Links

It’s Cooperation, Stupid: https://www.ippr.org/files/images/media/files/publication/2012/03/cooperation_leadbeater_Mar2012_8769.pdf

The Ultimatum Game Explained:

Monkey Inequality:

Richard Dawkins explains The Selfish Gene:

NSP024 – Stories They Tell Us About Aliens

Do you believe in aliens? I don’t know your answer, but I bet you have one ready!

Our culture is steeped in stories about off-planet entities, be it fling saucers, alien abductions, interplanetary civilisations seeding humanity, or full on interplanetary war. Ronald Reagan even wished for the latter, as it would make his job easier… !

But what keeps these stories circulating and why are we so attracted to them? Let’s discuss…

Episode Links:

Ronald Reagan – wishes for an alien invasion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQxzWpy7PKg
Corbett – How to Fake an Alien Invasion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM4tkJGSSaU
SGT Report – UFOs, YouTube & The Alien Deception: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naJcX_VjJik
Drake Equation – Estimating the Odds of Finding E.T.: https://www.space.com/25219-drake-equation.html
Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory suggests NASA has secret plans to create new world order: https://www.news.com.au/technology/project-blue-beam-conspiracy-theory-suggests-nasa-has-secret-plans-to-create-new-world-order/news-story/25266f2c57e89e139f0fa9daddeb0953
Project Blue Beam Conspiracy Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfcbIErsuEc

NSP017 – The Story Jim Carrey is Telling Us

Jim Carrey has been in the media in the past few years seemingly wavering between depressed, confused and completely insane. But is he crazy, or is he undergoing a spiritual transformation that we just don’t yet understand?

Today is the first in a new series on Narratively Speaking where we examine public figures and the stories they tell.

Intro clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4AmLcBLZWY
Jim Carrey speaks about autism on Larry King: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX-SCdjDOrA
Jim Carrey on the red carpet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JmNKGfFj7w
Jim Carrey’s message to Emma Stone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNrkcY-I0RA
Jim Carrey Is An Asshole Method Actor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82rKQXEG7bQ
Jim Carrey exposing the Luminutty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG9i7d8yfKQ
What really exists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TucyzpHDNlE
Jim Carrey explains red carpet comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEm1TFfRCUE
Jim Carrey on his dad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC8XJenmURY

NSP016 – The Stories They Tell Us About Big Brother

Years ago conspiracy theorists told us we were being watched, monitored and spied on, with all our communication being catalogued into a massive surveillance database.

Then Edward Snowden came along and told us the conspiracy theorists were right! Who would have thunk it?

But, true or not, how does this story of the Orwellian “Surveillance State” affect us, and how does it function to modify our behaviour as a society?

Let’s dig in!

Scene from Cat’s Eye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxy3lP-mH3Y
Before There Was Snowden: https://www.whistleblowersecurity.com/before-there-was-snowden-the-other-whistleblowers-who-came-forward/
Global surveillance whistleblowers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_surveillance_whistleblowers
Bentham, Foucault and the Penopticon | Philosophy Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHRPzp09Kqc
Veritassium on Learned Helplessness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMPzDiraNnA
Learned Optimism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hHNq45rEnU

NSP015 – Stories That Sustain The Empire

Western civilisation exhibits many characteristics of your average, garden variety evil empire.

But how did we get here? And what stories keep us complicit in a system that we would probably find abhorrent if we truly faced its underlying reality? Is it all a big inter-generational conspiracy or something more systemic? Perhaps plain old human nature?

Let’s muddle our way through some unqualified and ill-conceived thoughts on the topic, shall we?

God Bless America – Frank’s Rant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJaLrINeZPc
Parallels between Rome and the US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCvyg679bsg
Russel Brand and Yuval Noah Harari on Power: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta4U8G03q98
Johan Galtung on the end of the US Empire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfcoNlhxRow
Richard Wolff on the coming collapse of the US Economic System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60FrsWm9OAc
7 Stages of an Empire in Decline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Gc1bv-Mj4