NSP044 – 9/11 and the things we value

We all value different things, right?

Some people say they value money and success, others love and connection, while others still might claim to value causes such as social justice or climate action. But are the things we say we value born out by our actions? What about story — is that something we value as a society?

As we mark the 21st anniversary of the tragic 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, we can still feel the repercussions of that event rippling through the very fabric of our consciousness. With the benefit of hindsight, we can clearly see how the 9/11 story was used to usher in societal change, so why shouldn’t we value story as much as those willing to use it as a weapon against us?

Can we take control of the narrative?

Episode Links

What is Self Actualization (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)?:

Interesting article of highest value around the world:

What do Employees Value Most?

What do Young People Value (World Economic Forum)?

Zeitgeist: The Movie:

NSP024 – Stories They Tell Us About Aliens

Do you believe in aliens? I don’t know your answer, but I bet you have one ready!

Our culture is steeped in stories about off-planet entities, be it fling saucers, alien abductions, interplanetary civilisations seeding humanity, or full on interplanetary war. Ronald Reagan even wished for the latter, as it would make his job easier… !

But what keeps these stories circulating and why are we so attracted to them? Let’s discuss…

Episode Links:

Ronald Reagan – wishes for an alien invasion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQxzWpy7PKg
Corbett – How to Fake an Alien Invasion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM4tkJGSSaU
SGT Report – UFOs, YouTube & The Alien Deception: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naJcX_VjJik
Drake Equation – Estimating the Odds of Finding E.T.: https://www.space.com/25219-drake-equation.html
Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory suggests NASA has secret plans to create new world order: https://www.news.com.au/technology/project-blue-beam-conspiracy-theory-suggests-nasa-has-secret-plans-to-create-new-world-order/news-story/25266f2c57e89e139f0fa9daddeb0953
Project Blue Beam Conspiracy Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfcbIErsuEc